It’s easy to make your garden more wildlife-friendly.
Encouraging pollinating insects like bees and butterflies will increase your crops of fruit, and of
vegetables like runner beans. Birds will eat your insect pests, and enable you to reduce the amount of
pesticide you have to use in the garden. And you’ll be doing your bit for conservation!
Bees prefer simple, single flowers providing pollen & nectar throughout the year. Daisy-like
flowers, or two-lipped ones (like catmint) are best.

Butterflies need similar flowers to bees, rich in nectar, in a sheltered, sunny area where they
won’t be buffeted by wind. Long, tubular flowers like honeysuckle are popular.
Birds need plants which attract insects on which they can feed, or which bear fruit. They also
appreciate dense cover (like ivy) for shelter and nesting.